Me, matshah and achap took our seat in between the Siamese fan (mak aih..awek ni kejap ckp siam, kejap kecek klate). PRIITT~~!! and the game started. Both team decided to make a change of play during second half with more goals, hopefully. Just in 60 minutes of play, Onitsuka's player were injured by Azzuri's defence playmaker.. Substitution had to be made quickly.. While the injured player being treated by his team mates, I heard someone said "Aku tau kiter bleh menang..Aku yakin,". That is from Onitsuka's player which has double-yellow card, cause him a suspension for this final round.
GOAALL~~!! Azzuri got 1 nil up.. Celebration and joyful moment from Azzuri side, imaging their 3rd succesfull achievement since 2007. The Tiger's fan was shocked, praying for the referee to cancel the Azzuri's opening goal. Now I am hoping a great comeback style from those youngsters so the match can be brought into extra-time. But the hope was just hopeless.. about 5 minutes before full time, the siamese had added their goal list , thanks to their striker (nigger mana ntah) who is one-on-one with the keeper and managed to control the ball nicely before put it in the back of net. Mistake from Onitsuka's keeper who rush out too early to cut the nigger's ball control. The Azzuri's crowd was going wild and crazy.. like a bunch of crazy monkeys on morphin. There is no time for Tiger to level the score. Everyhting is over when the referee had blown his final whistle for UTP League 2009 and Azzuri had sumthing to celebrate tonight.
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